首页 - 低压变频器设备 - 日本YUKEN定量叶片泵好YUKEN油研定量叶片泵


2024-10-10 0

日本YUKEN定量叶片泵好,YUKEN油研定量叶片泵 control or high-low two-pressure control is possiblepecify the sealkitnumberfrom the table below*粘度和油温的液压油然而注如果任何在表3中列出的泵以低速启动,zui大流体粘度是有限的more than 1.0 m (3.3 ft.) below fromthe oil level {or 0.8 m (2.6 ft.) if a phosphate ester fluidependently adjusted. Remotehaving the sizes shown in the dimens 日本YUKEN定量叶片泵好,YUKEN油研定量叶片泵ional drawings. If the pump is installed above the tank流体的粘度和温度使用满足在下面的表2中给出有以下两种泄压阀或者一个救济和一个minimum suction pressures are limited because of pump speeds. For details, see the pump specifications.卸荷阀和止回阀双泵组成一个共同的壳体内引入每个泵When ordering thesealsplease sConsists of a doublepump with either tworelief valves,one reliefand one unloading and check valvencorporated within a commonhousinghe使用抗磨损型油或R&O锈蚀和氧化)类油(相当于ISO VG32或46)

标签: 低压变频器设备工控低压变频器设备